Efficacy of Epadel® (comprising not less than 98% eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester) for fibromyalgi

Efficacy of Epadel® (comprising not less than 98% eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester) for fibromyalgi

状態 完成
最終更新日 2013年07月27日
ページ数 PDF:8ページ
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This study examined the efficacy of Epadel® (comprising not less than 98% eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester) for fibromyalgia (FM). Dosage of Epadel® was gradually increased up to 2700 mg/day in patients with FM. During the administration of Epadel®, there were no new medicines added to the regimen and there were no changes in the dose of any other medication being co-administered. Subjective pain before administration of Epadel® was regarded as 10, and patients were then asked to estimate subjective pain after the administration of Epadel®. Twenty-nine patients with FM consisted of 26 females and 3 males ranging from 23 to 78 years of age (average: 48.1±14.9 years). Five patients (17.3%) discontinued medication due to adverse effects. The mean of total dosing period of Epadel® was 39.3±19.4 days (range 21-119 days) in 24 patients who did not discontinue medication due to adverse effects. The mean dosing period of Epadel® 2700 mg/day was 17.8±7.8 days (range 7-39 days). Epadel® did not reduce pain in 13 patients (44.9%). Of the 13 patients, 2 suffered from adverse effects (weakness and fatigue). It reduced subjective pain in 11 patients (37.9%). Subjective pain after administration of Epadel® became 1 in two patients, 3 in two patients, 5 in one patient, 8 in four patients, and 9 in two patients. Of the 11 patients, 1 suffered from adverse effect (thirst sensation). Of the 11 patients, maximum dosage was 1800 mg/day in 1 patient.
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