
著: feychan


販売価格:330円 (税込)
状態 完成
最終更新日 2012年02月13日
ページ数 PDF:77ページ

 ニュートン、赤面!  アルカポネ、まっ青!       

科学、技術(ターレス、アリストテレス、ヒポクラテス)(put forward, be made up of,be derived from,make it a rule to,look after
ヒポクラテス、デモクリトス(as far as, arise out of, be sure of, pull apart, put together, be aware of, how to)
ピタゴラス、アルキメデス(It is said that..., be the first person to, be equal to, be the last ... to, devote ~
レオナルド・ダ・ウィンチ、ティコ・ブラーエ(become fascinated with, not only ... but also ..., a number of, )
ティコ、ガリレオ(break with, apply for, stand to reason, in fact, be made up of, according to )
ガリレオ、コペルニクス(by means of, regardless of, point out, be proportional to, come to the conclusion that )
ボイル、ニュートン(insist on, at first, at the bottom of, burst into, as well )
ニュートン(be renowned for, be famous for, pass away, have to, take care of, take advantage of, as is oft
ニュートン(be indifferent to, be sensitive to, for fear that, hit upon )
ニュートン、フランクリン(with difficulty, work out, succeed in, take the risk of, tie ~ to)
ラヴォワジェ、ダーウィン(lead to, make sense, at once, right away, go out, graduate from, be about to)
ダーウイン、ファーブル(be familiar with, by nature, put off, live up to, at the same time, become interested in
ノーベル、ヘルツ、キュリー夫人(seek to, seek for, worry about, by degrees, come to an end, run over, )
メンデル、エディソン(succeed in, such as, hand down, risk one's life)
エディソン、マルコーニ(how to, be ready to, set out, be involved in, make use of, go through, go without, as fo
マルコーニ、グラハム・ベル(a great deal of, carry out, in order to, set aside, so...that, far from, go on to)
グラハム・ベル、ベッセマー(at home, along with, on one's own, for example, come upon, as a result)
パブロフ、アリストテレス(on account of, make trouble, stay away with, all the time, seperate from, happen to)
アインシュタイン(get along, set forth, deal with, aside from, in danger, suffer from)
アインシュタイン(be reluctant to, be willing to, be aware of, protect ... against, as soon as, put ~ to use,
哲学、思想、宗教(釈迦)(strangely enough, protect ~ from, clear ~ of, rid ~ of, for the first time, be a part o
釈迦、ソクラテス、プラトン(interfere with, hesitate to, venture into, at the expense of, complain of, find fault
アラベール(consist in, start with, that to say, appeal to, before long, come into being, as yet, be allie
ロジャー・ベーコン(in time, be free from, be noted for, more or less, be descended from, because of)
トマス・アキナス、マキャベリ(agree with, at the beginnig, strive to, as ~ as possible )
マキャベリ、イグナティウス・ロヨラ、フランシス・ベーコン、デカルト(in other words, make up one's mind, dedicate oneself to, used to,
スピノザ(make one's mind, for the time being, become aquainted with, drive home to, be afraid of)
ジョン・ロック、ルソー、ヘーゲル(in contrast to, rely on, cut ~ off from, as a whole, refer to ~ as ...)
ヘーゲル、マルクス(soon after, at length,live with, be capable of, make both ends meet, be forced to, be obli
バートランド・ラッセル(deprive ~ of, rob ~ of, in addition to, regard ~ as, contribute much to)
絵画、彫刻(ベロッキオ)(result in, as contrasted with, be characterized by, give up, for good)
レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ、ミケランジェロ(carry on, be free to, be free from, as a matter of fact, keep away from, pass o
ミケランジェロ(be subject to, lose one's temper, from time to time, turn away from, manage to)
ルーベンス、レンブラント(some ... and others, at random, fill ~ with, be crowded with, sympathize with, continue
ルーベンス、ドラクロア(no doubt, be due to, be good at, in earnest, in comparison with, )
ドラクロア、ゴッホ(in one's own way, pave the way for, begin to, culminate in, in remorse, cut off)
ゴッホ、セザンヌ(not ~ nor, without doubt, by nature, come true, at last, consent to,)
セザンヌ、ゾラ(turn over, turn in, turn down, neither ~ nor, devote oneself to)
モネ、ロダン(be caught in, have influence on, accuse ~ of, blame ~ for, meet with, take up, side by side)
モネ、ルノワール(be meant to, mean to, not ~ until, in order to, on account of, due to, in spite of, break a
レームブルック、モジリアーニ(in the matter of, run out , run out of, look for, from place to place, in need of, as
モジリアーニ、ピカソ(take interest in, be impressed with, a series of, as often as)
シャガール(be filled with, be able to, be forced to )
音楽(バッハ)(boast of, the 比較級... the 比較級、toward the end of)
ヘンデル(forbid ~ to, let alone, lay down, ring out, of course, in tribute to)
ヘンデル、ハイドン(be surrounded by, no better than, reach a stage of, afford to )
モーツアルト、ベート-ベン(set off, seek one' fortune, set off, fall into debt, go over, suffer from, at the merc
モーツアルト(in terms of,)
ベートーベン(against one's will, be keen to, be independent of, depend on, a man of ~, be hard of, carry o
メンデレスゾ-ン、シューベルト(play a ~ role in, develop into, as well as, prefer ~ to, die of, as many as)
シューベルト、ベルリオーズ(give up, from time to time, earn one's living, be short of, depend on, live to be, )
ベルリオーズ、ショパン(too ... to, be brought up, grow up, for life, in public, such ~ that, )
ショパン、シューマン(be aquainted with, It goes without saying that, be permitted to, at last, rule out, objec
ブラームス、シューマン(be anxious to/ for, be devoted to, be fearful of, recover from, be at a loss, take to )
シューマン、ブラームス(aside from, be content with, fail to, for the rest of)
ワーグナー、シュトラウス(take part in, in consequence, be obliged to, enable to, have enthusiasm for, turn one's
チャイコフスキー、ドビュッシー、ストラビンスキー(all of a sudden, bring ~ to an end, admit ~ to, be engaged by, turn away fr
マイケル・ジャクソン(for the first time in ..., )
伝説、歴史、ビジネス(シュリーマン)(think of, for a while, persuade ~ to, convince ~ to, run away, at first glance )
トロイ戦争、聖母マリア(with the aid of, take place, at any rate, be supposed to)
イエス・キリスト、ロビン・フッド、メイフラワー号(be absorbed in, rob ~ of, roll over. at times)
メイフラワー号、ハムレット(hang onto, day after day, in trouble, kill oneself)
ビジネス、その他(スチーブンスン、フルトン、ロスチャイルド)(deal in, embark on, be credited with)
ベンツ、ロックフェラー、アル・カポネ(set up, merge with, stand for, take over, be convicted of )
カーネギー、ダイアナ皇太子妃(belong to, carry out, be popular with, prohibit ... from )
その他(in accordance with, in general, come down with, come up with, be equipped with, tell ~ from)
映画(グレース・ケリー、ゲーリー・クーパー、三船敏郎)(step by step, attribute ~ to, establish a reputation)
黒沢明、エリザベス・テイラー、ジョン・ウェイン(work with, intend to )
ハリソン・フォード、ロバート・デニーロ(a lot of, a good deal of, a host of,)
ブルース・リー、チャールズ・ブロンソン、ジル・アイアランド(end in, come across, by no means, by appearance, die from)
マリリン・モンロー、アラン・ドロン、カトリーヌ・ドヌーヴ(break away from, by chance, by accident, have a reputation for)
スピールバーグ(appear to, seem to, be involved in, have a tendency to, tend to, be apt to, be prone to)
災害、ブッシュ、オバマ(take away, a large number of, in no time, admit to, approve of, get rid of, in favor of
ムバラク、サダト(withdraw from、 at last、admit to、prohibit ~from、account for、accuse ~ of)
ウサマ・ビンラーディン(in touch with)