The "Ambition of Fujiwara 4 Brothers," once a huge hit as a Macintosh game set on Apple's Hypercard, is now available as an affordable short story. Cyber detective Tabito Otomo is asked to investigate the strange death of Zipang Region President King Nagaya. The ambitions of the Fujiwara 4 brothers to take over the Earth Union and the bigwigs who are working in the shadows. What is the secret hidden in Mr. King Nagaya's dying message... The culprit that anyone can understand and the unexpected true culprit will appear. This is a short novel newly written while keeping the fun of the game "The Ambition of Fujiwara 4 Brothers". This is the origin of the "Arsene Porugo" series.
This Short Novel is written by English. This Short Novel is made by Global Public Goods Project.