Primordial life-Cosmology of Buddhism

Primordial life-Cosmology of Buddhism

状態 完成
最終更新日 2018年11月09日
ページ数 PDF:75ページ
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Life can be described as the continuation of bewilderment by birth and death, delusion by desires and anguish by guilt feeling. When such problems are realized and pursued seriously, religious aspiration is inspired. As the problems of death, suffering and guilt are deeply realized and pierced through, then embraced with the compassion of Buddha or love of God, religious salvation is achieved. Especially, in the self-awareness religion, the followers try to attain enlightenment or awareness by becoming aware of the force of the primordial field of cosmos by casting oneself there. In this thesis, I am trying to describe the perspective of religious awareness called emancipation or enlightenment and observe the working of cosmic primordial life within each and every living beings.